Monday, March 1, 2021

How long does it take to learn Javascript

How long does it take to learn Javascript for Beginners?

Almost every web developer wants to know How long does it take to learn Javascript If you are looking to become a developer, these might be two of the first questions that come to your mind.

Can I learn Javascript in a week? How long does it take to advance this language?  Many people find it easy to learn CSS and HTML. But when it comes to learning Javascript they find it hard to learn it. JavaScript is a comparably easy programming language to learn. The amount of time required to learn JavaScript is directly proportional to the time you are going to invest in learning it.

To develop a mindset, it is important to learn it well that will allow you to work in difficulties. You can learn some javascript in a week, but the intermediate level requires closer to nine months. In this post, we have discussed a few strategies which will help you in becoming an excellent frontend developer. It will also give you an idea of how long it takes to learn javascript. It may take you less time or more to learn Javascript depending on your level of experience.

We have separated this guide into the following parts:

Information on how long to learn Javascript

JavaScript is the first thing one should learn to become a front-end web developer. Some people take longer than necessary to learn JavaScript. many beginners learn jQuery first because it is a popular JavaScript library. The reason some learners start learning jQuery first is that they think it is easier to learn than JavaScript and this is their biggest mistake.

It’s not necessary to become an expert in jQuery.

Lots of beginners have confusion about which part of JavaScript one should learn first. This post will guide you with all the steps on how long it takes to learn JavaScript. Your first purpose is to get enough knowledge of where you are comfortable with intermediate JavaScript. 

Javascript syntax learning

If you want to learn Javascript or any other language, it is important to understand the language syntax first. Learn what the following are:

  • Declaration of variables: Variables of JavaScript are containers for collecting data values.

  • Statement: Statement of Javascript are “instructions” to be “performed” by the web browser. 

  • Keywords: Keywords that are used as Tokens have a specific meaning in javascript: case, debugger, delete, void, finally, type, functions, new, switch, throw, with, this, if, else, in, do continue and debugger.

  • Comments: In Javascript to create a single line comment, you give two slashes “//” in front of text or code you want to have the JavaScript interpreter ignore.

  • Functions: In JavaScript, functions are one of the major building blocks. A function is a collection of statements for a JavaScript procedure that collects a value or performs a job.

  • Objects: Just like other programming languages in JavaScript, objects can be related to objects in real life. 

By learning Vanilla JavaScript

Vanilla JavaScript relates to JavaScript which is not enhanced by any framework or libraries. The difficulty level ranges from the language basics to intermediate and then advanced programming concepts which include closures and prototypal inheritance object-oriented programming. If you want to get a job as a front-end web developer, you should have intermediate knowledge of these concepts at least. it’s not necessary to master functional programming or have knowledge of all aspects of the prototype chain. But it’s important for you to understand common functions like apply, bind and call. You can learn intermediate-level JavaScript in 6-9 months depending upon how much experience you have. You can use Colt Steel’s The Web Developer Bootcamp to speed up your education. It’s good for those who are struggling to learn JavaScript.


Don’t be scared. These are just an estimated timeline. If you are dedicated to your work, you can learn it in weeks also. There is nothing like commitment and hard work. You can finish your learning faster than you think if you hit the right resources.



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